By Marijke Hoek
Text of a talk given at Preston Christian Action Network
My dad was a GP in the countryside. During his first years, various kids drowned in the water-rich polder where we lived. So, he and the local reverend called the villagers together to fund and build a swimming pool in which all children could learn to swim. He himself spent many an evening and weekend with a trowel to see the project through. It's one of a range of initiatives that characterised the way my father worked in, and cared for, the community. The projects survived long after he'd retired and passed away. It's a holistic understanding of his profession, addressing systemic change and increasing the wellbeing of the community. The talents to network the right people, to spark imagination, and to provide new arenas for people to use their talents.
"When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices" (Proverbs 11:10). When we steward our time, gifting and influence for the common good, and employ our talents lovingly and strategically, it does the community good. It is a relational view of prospering.
The theme 'Valuing the treasure in urban communities' obviously resonates Paul's reference to "a treasure in vulnerable vessels': 'For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us' (2 Cor 4:6-7).
Paul's choice of metaphors tends to be in keeping with the emphasis of his message at a particular point. In this respect, the imagery of "clay jars" represents human weakness. It echoes something of the creation story where God uses dust and breathes life (1 Cor. 15:47). Clay vessels were earthenware used in the temple as well as in daily life. 'Clay jars' were a common metaphor for human weakness in the ancient world.
The clay jar metaphor serves a few points:
1. The everydayness: God chose the weak things of this world and our every day lives.
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things--and the things that are not--to nullify the things that are" (1 Cor.1:26-27)
2. Vulnerability: human weakness is the showcase of God's power
'Weakness' can be understood numerical, socio-political, economic; being human.
The first century world dominated by Roman empire, stretched as far as North Africa, Middle East, Europe. Religious, philosophical and political trends were taking its course. Imperial cult in which emperor was Lord who created peace, to his rule would come no end. Rome affected day to day life. First century believers looking for Messiah, who would redeem them from oppression, new throne, new rule, new peace. While people are looking to God, God is looking to Mary. Young, no reputation other than 'servant', yet expectant
.Seed. When God does want to do something revolutionary, world changing, he starts with a seed and a teenager. The vulnerability of the exercise.
While we are not the critical mass, we can be the 'critical yeast'. Using our talents diligently, creatively and risky is key to the wellbeing God has in mind. In Matthew's parable of the talents, the trustworthy servants who have been investing their talents and multiplying them receive a commendation and an invitation share their master's happiness. They receive a greater responsibility and are invited into God's shalom economy (Matthew 25:14-30).
'Shalom' is used in the scriptures to refer to God's creational intention. It includes peace, soundness, wholeness, security and fullness of life, in which our relationships with God, each other and nonhuman creation are thriving. Faithful stewardship entails love, work, risk, and imagination. Matthew places our vocation in an eternal light, the rays of which already illuminate our lives. In the bible we see God's people being commissioned to build houses and settle down; plant gardens, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.' Jer. 29:1-14.
This small community was to hold out a vision of wellbeing for the wider society and bring shalom in the place of brokenness and hopelessness. Their destiny is woven together with the city's. Every place has treasures, in terms of people and gifting:
- Trailblazers
- Connectors
- Amplifiers
Significantly, in a culture of captured imaginations and narrow horizons, we need a Christian imagination in the arts business, environmental protection and politics etc
In that we look for the mean of peace shalom whom we can work with. Together we can drill down in the soul and spirit of what shalom looks like and how that shapes our household, whether that household is personal or organisational.
People who make connections, help people to think and relate outside of their silos. People who can be involved in strategic thinking in terms systemic change. For example, food banks in a land-rich area like this should be an anomaly. Besides food banks, Christians should be lamenting and looking for systemic change: food growing, employment, living wage, mentoring, giving a hope and a future.
The Christian community is a story-formed community. It is rich in stories, and thus, our cities, towns, hamlets and villages can be filled with the story of Christ as it is lived out faithfully and told creatively. Jesus' challenge to raise our light on a stand so that people may see our good deeds motivates us to tell the tales publicly.
While local media is an excellent platform for the good news message, the Christian community not necessarily makes the most of this opportunity. In several cities local journalists have further developed the church's media coverage. Such a media savvy catalyst person can generate multiple opportunities for the Christian community in the local and regional press.
Jesus' reference to salt challenges us to provide a Christian witness in the public debate. When the local paper features youth crime, we respond with our hope. When they discus asylum, we talk about the need to recover a compassion for the persecuted. Thus, we consistently mix and mingle with the discussion in the market place. By taking part we communicate a Christian worldview, offer an alternative reality embodied in the church and exercise our advocacy, speaking up for those who wouldn't be heard otherwise.
Constructive change and effective mission require strategy. Developing a local media hub needs some joint-up creative thinking. It takes a catalyst with an ear to the ground, listening out for good stories. Make the most of every opportunity, always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us of the hope that we have. A wide range of such hope-filled stories can be found on the various citywide Media Hub websites.
The gospel is surely good news. The active engagement of the Christian community in the local media can undoubtedly bring change from the bottom up as we seek the wellbeing of society, fill our society with the testimony of Christ and give an ongoing account of the hope we have.
While we are aware of our vulnerability and weakness, God's promises divine power in human weakness in view of His redemptive purposes (Romans 8:19-29).
May you prosper-
Marijke Hoek