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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The Burnley Pioneer Project

The Burnley Pioneer Project is a Christian charity working in the heart of the community in Burnley. The project began four years ago when the Burnley Methodist Circuit employed a Youth Worker to work alongside a group of committed staff and volunteers to provide relevant activities to provide opportunities for people to explore the Christian faith.

The project is based in two locations – Central Methodist Church and Parkside Methodist Church. One being in the town centre and the other on the Stoops Estate. The work has developed with many exciting projects such as Reach Out kids club, Encounters youth club, cooking skills sessions, bible studies, schools work, family nights, town centre ministry, detached youth work projects, summer activities, job club and much more… Over the four years the team has developed the project with volunteers from across Burnley coming together with the same heart and vision for people to know Jesus Christ and become the best version of themselves through the work of the Holy Spirit.

We have seen people commit their lives to Jesus and be the positive change in their community. The project has invested time to develop and equip young people to serve Jesus in ministry and it is exciting to see them on fire for Jesus and mature in their relationship with Him. In the summer of 2014 two young people were baptised in Burnley town centre and the fire brigade helped by filling the tank with water!!! This was a great witness as people from the local pubs watched the young people take this step of faith.

As the project grew and developed members of the team felt called to move house and live on the Stoops Estate to be part of the community. The reason for this was Jesus ministry was incarnational. Christ become one of us to save us and for the ministry to be truly authentic we felt the way forward was to step out our comfort zone and live amongst the people to serve them, pray for them and show the love of Christ. A verse that I love from the Bible wraps this up perfectly. The word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood (John 1:14 The Message) this has helped build positive relationships with families and we have seen Jesus work in amazing ways.

A story that comes to mind is that we took our young people on a Christian youth weekend and one of the young teens made a commitment to Jesus. Since then she has committed to weekly events and now stands up in front of her peers and reads scripture and encourages them to live for Jesus. It is amazing to see such a young person strive to know Jesus more; through this her Mum has also became a Christian!

The Stoops Estate in Burnley has high unemployment, anti social behavior and many people suffering with addictions to drugs and alcohol. It is a privilege to tell people Jesus has a plan for their lives; He is for them and not against them. We are excited for the future as we work together to reach people with the Gospel.

If you would like to know more about the Burnley Pioneer Project please view our website

or e-mail

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